The Kansas Value Added Food Lab is a hidden gem of K-State. I recorded the interviews and B-roll and edited this entire project. This is one of the few projects that I was able to have full creative control over.

The K-State video production class pairs up students taking the course and those in the College of Agriculture to make different promotional videos. K-State has one of the only Bakery Science programs in the country. This was my first ever experience with filming video and editing on
Premiere Pro.
I was able to go down to Oklahoma City with the American Hereford Association to help capture the Cattlemen's Congress. I filmed the Hereford Night sale while there. Samatha Albers, creative services coordinator, edited and produced the video.
I was able to finish editing and producing three webinars for a grant the Beef Cattle Institute attained from NCBA. These videos are to help explain to food company workers what sustainability looks like in beef production. I did not film any of the footage, but I edited and made the graphics in them. Here are some of my favorite parts of the series!
For February 2022, Kansas State Extension and Research wanted to produce a video series about food safety at home for social media. The videos are meant to be simple, straightforward and informative. This is the first of the series that will be released periodically on KSRE social media channels.